Now that the dust has settled on the business launch, I can start to reflect on where the journey began.
Mary T. Newport’s Book, “Alzheimer’s Disease: What if there was a cure?” was an inspiration, as it highlighted a specific nutritional strategy that can offer hope to many sufferers of this condition. Reading this book reinforced my own idea that research on nutrition can offer benefits to many of us, but the body of knowledge is not always shared or presented in an accessible way. Another barrier is having the nutrients we are looking for available in a form that is pleasant to eat, with no adverse effects.
Newport was frustrated with big organisations and business interests obscuring important information, and not allowing individuals to decide for themselves. Having worked for many years in a small family business, I had experienced similar frustration with complex legislation which slowed progress and did not always benefit the consumer.
In big business, only the most profitable products survive. This can mean cheaper, less effective ingredients are used, with a small dose of the more expensive ingredients. Often, a closer look shows that consuming an effective dose would mean getting through handfuls of gelatine capsules every day. At Ketolife, we are ideally placed to produce the best quality, most effective products, and we aim to constantly improve.
If you would like to check out Mary T Newport’s book, follow the link to: