When you’re tired, do you snack on fast carbohydrates for mental alertness?
Including 20-30g of MCTs in your diet per day could provide a more constant supply of Brain Fuel in the form of Ketones according to recent research.
Ketones are normally thought of as emergency fuel for the brain and other essential organs during starvation or when on high fat low carbohydrate diets. Recent breakthroughs suggest that ketones are more of a super fuel than an emergency fuel AND that by changing the composition of fats in the diet it is possible to generate this super fuel without severe carbohydrate restriction.
In a recent Canadian Study (Courchesne-Loyer et al 2012) researchers fed people 20g of MCTs for 1 week followed by 30g for a further 3 weekly by which time it was estimated Ketones were supplying nearly 10% of the brains energy requirements.
MCT’s can make a positive contribution to your normal, keto or paleo diet.
Article available here: http://www.nutritionjrnl.com/article/S0899-9007(12)00365-6